Jotne Mobility is part of the Jotne Group, a family-owned conglomerate established in 1982. The business originated from consulting and project management. Through over 40 years of tradition-rich ownership, we have anchored our identity in the values of trust, development, safety, quality, and reliability.

At Jotne Mobility, you will meet colleagues with an engineering background and experience in technical project management, maintenance management and life-time assessments, quality control and assurance, and mechanical systems.  

Our specialization spans a wide range of disciplines. Our staff have backgrounds as mechanical engineers, international welding engineers, and some have even transitioned from being auto body repairmen to experts within the railway industry and subsea sector. With experiences from production lines, metal sheet production, welding, and assembly, this provides us with a hands-on approach to the challenges we face. Our growth is driven by innovation and the adoption of new technological solutions, as well as a strong desire to expand. Our goal is to contribute to the creation of efficient, reliable, and future-oriented transport systems that benefit both society and the environment. We deliver unique solutions and view challenges as opportunities.

Let us give you a glimpse of what we work on, what motivates us, and who we are. Perhaps you'll become one of us, or we'll work together on a project that breaks barriers.

We work on
Exciting and socially beneficial tasks with great colleagues both with clients and atJotne. As an engineer, the field is vast, with opportunities to learn new subjects, tasks, and systems
Whether it's playing a musical instrument, tinkering with cabin projects, exploring nature, engaging in sports, traveling the world, or creative work like painting and 3D modeling - we have a rich palette of interests.
We care
We are more than just engineers. We care about each other and engage in our localcommunities. Many of us volunteer in organizations like the Red Cross, and we support various charitable projects.
To future engineers
To those who considering a future in engineering: "Go for it". The field is broad and exciting. Even though the study period can be challenging, it will be worth it in the long run. Find your passion and pursue it.

work with us?

Join the team! We combine expertise with passion and are looking for partners and colleagues who want to shape the future with us!

The project "Nye fjerntog" by Norske tog was initiated already in 2018/2019, with the actual inquiry going out to the market just before Christmas in 2021, and we chose Stadler as the supplier in March 2023. It is a large and complicated project, both in the acquisition and the execution phase. In both stages, we have been fortunate enough to hire skilled professionals from Jotne Mobility. In the first phase, the focus was on documentation, while now in the execution phase, we hire resources for quality work that includes monitoring the supplier's quality and HSE work, as well as the project's own activities related to quality management and assurance, including audits, inspections, and tests.

Sille Svenkerud Førner

Project Manager New Long-Distance Trains

Sille Svenkerud Førner
Norske togs prosjekt «Nye fjerntog» ble startet allerede i 2018/2019, selve forespørselen gikk ut i markedet rett før jul i 2021 og vi valgte Stadler som leverandør i mars 2023. Det er et stort og komplisert prosjekt, både i anskaffelsen og i gjennomføringen. I begge fasene har vi vært så heldig å leie inn dyktige fagressurser fra Jotne Mobility. I den første fasen med fokus på dokumentasjon mens vi nå i gjennomføringen leier inn ressurs på kvalitetsarbeid som omfatter oppfølging av kvalitets- og HMS-arbeidet til leverandøren samt prosjektets egne aktiviteter knyttet til kvalitetsstyring og -sikring herunder revisjoner, inspeksjoner og tester.

Sille Svenkerud Førner

Project Manager New Long-Distance Trains

Sille Svenkerud Førner
Norske togs prosjekt «Nye fjerntog» ble startet allerede i 2018/2019, selve forespørselen gikk ut i markedet rett før jul i 2021 og vi valgte Stadler som leverandør i mars 2023. Det er et stort og komplisert prosjekt, både i anskaffelsen og i gjennomføringen. I begge fasene har vi vært så heldig å leie inn dyktige fagressurser fra Jotne Mobility. I den første fasen med fokus på dokumentasjon mens vi nå i gjennomføringen leier inn ressurs på kvalitetsarbeid som omfatter oppfølging av kvalitets- og HMS-arbeidet til leverandøren samt prosjektets egne aktiviteter knyttet til kvalitetsstyring og -sikring herunder revisjoner, inspeksjoner og tester.

Sille Svenkerud Førner

Project Manager New Long-Distance Trains